1. Audits and Inspections
- Create one or more question sets.
- Schedule audits and inspections, and set reminders for them.
- Undertake them, and record the question set answers and the conclusions and recommendations.
- Record any required corrective actions and set reminders to ensure their completion.
- Generate reports.
2. Chemicals
- Maintain a detailed chemical register.
- Specify the chemicals present in each work area.
- Specify the chemicals encountered in each work task.
- Find and view Safety Data Sheets obtained from chemical manufacturers and suppliers.
- Generate reports (including JHA/JSA).
3. Hazards and Risks
- Maintain a detailed register of all types of risk (such as health & safety, financial, operational, etc.).
- Specify departments, work areas and work tasks in which each risk is present.
- Analyse and rate the risks.
- Record the controls implemented.
- Record hazards observed.
- Record any required corrective actions and set reminders to ensure their completion.
- Generate reports (including JHA/JSA, risk matrices and hazard frequency counts).
4. Incidents
- Record all workplace incidents.
- Record any required corrective actions and set reminders to ensure their completion.
- Manage workers' compensation claims.
- Record all associated costs, whether employment, medical, production, or whatever, and use these in analyses.
- Use the many analysis options (LTIFR, frequency counts, cost/claim, lost time, etc) to identify where improvements should be made.
- Generate reports.
5. Health and Rehabilitation
- For each person record known conditions, allergies and first aid events.
- Schedule vaccinations and health tests and set reminders to ensure their completion.
- Record all medical certificates. Schedule doctor appointments for follow-up checks.
- Keep comprehensive records of rehabilitation ("return to work" programmes).
- Link medical certificate and rehabilitation records with incidents.
- Generate reports.
6. Actions and Reminders
- Create reminders for:
- actions to be taken (e.g. corrective actions),
- things to be done (e.g. renewal of competencies), and
- events to be run (e.g. audits, inspections and training courses).
- View your outstanding reminders with one click, or set a filter to see what needs to be done in the future.
- Check reminders for other personnel (and send them a summary).
7. Representatives
- Record all types of reps (WHS, management, union, etc.).
- Record the corresponding periods of representation for each, and set reminders for renewal or replacement.
- Generate reports.
8. Worker Skills
- Specify the training, competency and certification requirements for each job.
- Perform training needs analysis for each worker.
- Schedule courses, and set reminders for them.
- Specify course attendees and record their attendance and results.
- Record every competency and certification of each worker, and schedule reminders for their renewal.
- Generate reports.
9. Worker Details
- Keep details of each employment period for each worker, including:
- job,
- department,
- supervisor,
- work area,
- project, and more.
- Generate reports, e.g.:
- current staff in a department,
- past workers in a job, etc.
10. Plant and Equipment
- Manage incidents affecting plant and equipment.
- Manage hazards affecting plant and equipment.
- Manage audits and inspections of plant/equipment items.
- Keep track of plant/equipment certifications, and get reminders for renewals.
- Manage risks related to plant and equipment.
11. Environment
- Manage incidents affecting environmental areas.
- Manage hazards affecting environmental areas.
- Manage audits and inspections of environmental areas.
- Manage environmental risks.
12. Events and Meetings
- Manage events and meetings, including details of:
- event sessions, or meeting agenda and motions,
- participants,
- documents,
- pictures/videos,
- actions (before and after).
- Generate reports, e.g.:
- details of one event,
- listing of events,
- listing of actions related to events,
- details of one meeting,
- listing of meetings,
- listing of actions related to meetings, and more.
OSHatWork® comprehensively covers the management of riks, workplace health & safety, worker employment and skills, plant & equipment, and environment.
Please click on any of the topics below for a description of the corresponding features.